To export user attributes to a file in AD we need dsquery.exe & dsget.exe
dsquery.exe command to pipe the results to a dsget.exe command.
dsquery.exe returns objects based on defined search criteria such as an OU, a domain, common name containing... , etc.
dsget.exe in turn takes the objects and reports on attributes within the object. Email address being one of the many attributes defined for user objects in a standard AD schema.
In my case I want to export the profile path, home directory and drive letter of my users
dsquery user, dsget user = to get user objects
"DC=tmk,DC=com" = your AD base DN to include all the user objects. You can narrow down by specifying OU, Groups…
-limit 999 = by default dsquery.exe export first 100 results only so you have to specify a limit that you can get all the users (my value is 999 because I have less than 999 users in my domain)
-samid -Email -hmdir -hmdrv –profile = AD user attributes. For full list please refer this post…
-samid = user’s login name
- Email = user’s primary email address
-hmdir = user’s home directory
-hmdrv = user’s home directory’s drive letter
-profile = user’s roaming profile path
c:\mytextfile.txt = output will be stored in this file as space separated values so you can import it to excel to get a clean view.
Build your query according to your requirements and paste it in command prompt and hit enter…
dsquery.exe command to pipe the results to a dsget.exe command.
dsquery.exe returns objects based on defined search criteria such as an OU, a domain, common name containing... , etc.
dsget.exe in turn takes the objects and reports on attributes within the object. Email address being one of the many attributes defined for user objects in a standard AD schema.
In my case I want to export the profile path, home directory and drive letter of my users
dsquery user "DC=tmk,DC=com" -limit 999 | dsget user -samid -Email -hmdir -hmdrv -profile > c:\mytextfile.txt
dsquery user, dsget user = to get user objects
"DC=tmk,DC=com" = your AD base DN to include all the user objects. You can narrow down by specifying OU, Groups…
-limit 999 = by default dsquery.exe export first 100 results only so you have to specify a limit that you can get all the users (my value is 999 because I have less than 999 users in my domain)
-samid -Email -hmdir -hmdrv –profile = AD user attributes. For full list please refer this post…
-samid = user’s login name
- Email = user’s primary email address
-hmdir = user’s home directory
-hmdrv = user’s home directory’s drive letter
-profile = user’s roaming profile path
c:\mytextfile.txt = output will be stored in this file as space separated values so you can import it to excel to get a clean view.
Build your query according to your requirements and paste it in command prompt and hit enter…
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