Friday, November 4, 2011

List of objects dsget can extract attributes from

List of objects dsget can extract attributes from


List of attributes dsget can return for the USER object
Displays the distinguished names of the users.

Displays the SAM account names of the users.

Displays the user security IDs (SIDs).

Displays the user principal names of the users.

Displays the first names of the users.

Displays the middle initials of the users.

Displays the last names of the users.

Displays the display names of the users.

Displays the employee IDs of the users.

Displays the descriptions of the users.

Displays the full names of the users.

Displays the office locations of the users.

Displays the telephone numbers of the users.

Displays the e-mail addresses of the users.

Displays the home telephone numbers of the users.

Displays the pager numbers of the users.

Displays the mobile phone numbers of the users.

Displays the fax numbers of the users.

Displays the user IP phone numbers.

Displays the user Web page URLs.

Displays the titles of the users.

Displays the departments of the users.

Displays the company information for the users.

Displays the user managers of the users.

Displays the drive letter to which the home directory of the user is mapped to if the home directory path is a UNC path.

Displays the user's home drive letter if home directory is a UNC path.

Displays the user profile paths.

Displays the user logon script paths.

Displays information about whether users must change their passwords at the time of next logon (yes) or not (no).

Displays information about whether users can change their password (yes) or not (no).

Displays information about whether the user passwords never expires (yes) or not (no).

Displays information about whether user accounts are disabled for logon (yes) or not (no).

Displays dates indicating when user accounts expire. If the accounts never expire, never is displayed.

Displays information about whether the user passwords are allowed to be stored using reversible encryption (yes) or not (no).

Required. Specifies the distinguished name of the user you want to view.

Displays the immediate list of groups of which the user is a member.

Displays the recursively expanded list of groups of which the user is a member. This option takes the immediate group membership list of the user, and then recursively expands each group in this list to determine its group memberships as well to arrive at a complete closure set of the groups.
{-uc | -uco | -uci}
Specifies that output or input data is formatted in Unicode. The following table lists and describes each format.

-part PartitionDN
Connect to the directory partition with the distinguished name of PartitionDN.

Displays the effective quota of the user within the specified directory partition.

Displays how much of the quota the user has used within the specified directory partition. Value Description
-uc Specifies a Unicode format for input from or output to a pipe (|).
-uco Specifies a Unicode format for output to a pipe (|) or a file.
-uci Specifies a Unicode format for input from a pipe (|) or a file.

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